Weight Loss Surgery Prevents Diabetes

It is well-recognized that obesity is a significant risk factor for the development of type II diabetes, and that weight loss surgery is an effective treatment. Newly published research in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that bariatric surgery can also help to prevent the development of diabetes in non-diabetic obese patients. Patients who underwent gastric banding, gastric bypass or vertical banded gastroplasty were followed over 15 years, and their incidence of diabetes was compared with patients who did not have surgery. Surgical patients were about 80% less likely to develop diabetes. Gastric banding was as effective as gastric bypass in helping to prevent diabetes.

Drs. Keith Wright and Gerardo Carcamo, with South Texas Surgeons in San Antonio, are available for consultation to discuss these exciting results and to help you determine if weight loss surgery is right for you.


Positive Quality Of Life Changes Seen After Surgery


Lap-band VS Gastric Bypass For Diabetes Treatment